Short Story: THE BAD COP

I wrote this story for a contest back in September of 1996, and found it in my archives a few days ago.  I did a very minimal amount of rewriting but didn’t change too much.  I’d write it differently today, probably, but I don’t think it’s terrible for flash fiction from my earliest days of attempting to write.  If you’d like to read it, click the link at the bottom of the post:



“If you open your mouth again, I’ll have to shut it for you.”  The man in the police uniform spoke in a low voice, intending to intimidate Joe, and the rest of us were too cowed by the badge to interfere.  We all watched silently as Joe backed down.

It wasn’t every day that a cop showed up at a party and started hitting on our female friends.  No one knew what to make of it.  So we had ignored him, for the most part.  After all, cops are the good guys.  We’d just partied on, like he wasn’t there, or like his presence was a normal thing.

But that was before he’d started hitting on Joe’s girlfriend…


If you’d like to read the rest of this story, please click here:  THE BAD COP


One thought on “Short Story: THE BAD COP

  1. Steven m. Moore

    Writing this from my kindle. It’s the perfect example of the power of short fiction . I will post an article on my blog about that soon so good work!
    Good to see others find stories lying around my finds are in basement boxes. Too many moves!

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