Author Archives: Scott Dyson

What’s coming…

I have a plan. It’s taking me some time to execute it, but certain things are starting to come together. Like this website, for example. And Deadlock Press, which should be up and running by next weekend. Then comes the publishing.

I plan on starting with short stories. I am going to publish four short stories as soon as I get the publishing company’s business stuff done. They are:

  • Sole Occupant
  • Odd Man Out
  • Jack’o’lantern
  • The Gateway

All are short stories, between 2000 and 3000 words, I believe, which is a little short. So each will come with a bonus short story as well. And more short stories are on the way.

After I get the short stories done, I will be releasing a collection of all of them. I plan on doing a paper version of the collection as well.

Then come the longer works. There are three finished at this point; the shortest is about 27000 words, and the longest is about 45000 words.

Look for the cover art of the short stories here soon. Maybe even later today on a couple of them.

Thanks for looking in!


The Writings of Scott Dyson


So you’ve found me here!  I’m glad.  I was starting to get lonely!

Welcome to the website of Scott Dyson, writer of horror, mystery and science/speculative fiction.  That’s me.  By day I am a health care professional, and have been for over 25 years.   When I have a few spare minutes, I write stuff.

I’ve been writing since I was in elementary school.  It is a passion I have always had, to go along with my habit of reading.  I cut my teeth on Asimov and Heinlein, but when I was exposed to a young author named Stephen King, that’s when I really decided I wanted to tell stories like he did.

Of course, I don’t consider myself to be a King-like talent, but I think I have stories to tell and I just want to tell the kinds of stories that I would like to read.  I tend to gravitate toward horror fiction with forays into mystery and science fiction/fantasy.

Are they any good?  Entertaining?  Well, that’s for you to decide.  I think they are, and I hope that you agree, of course.  Eventually I plan to have some free short stories on the site, as well as sample chapters.

On this blog, I plan on writing about my experiences with self-publishing, my writing issues, my love of music, film and themed entertainment (yes, I’m talking about places like Disney and Universal), and maybe even some sports talk.

I’m glad to finally be here, and I will be happy to use this space to announce my own new releases, along with letting my readers know about releases from other indie authors that I like and want to support.  (Let’s face it – the likes of Stephen King and Michael Connelly and Janet Evanovich probably don’t need my help, so I won’t go out of my way to give it – unless they come out with something that strikes me as extraordinary!)

So…Stay tuned…