Tag Archives: short stories

A Look At My First Cover: SOLE OCCUPANT

Well, here it is!  The cover of the first of those short story pairs I wrote about.

I’m not going to talk about the contents of the story right now – I figure that the best time to talk about it is when the story is actually coming out.  But I hope the cover gives you a glimpse of the content.


The cover artist is Rich Siegle.  Rich is a good friend of mine, besides being a talented graphic artist and a talented musician and songwriter.  Check out the page for his band The ExitSpecialists on Facebook! (Thanks Rich!)

Check back for the next cover in a day or two!


What’s coming…

I have a plan. It’s taking me some time to execute it, but certain things are starting to come together. Like this website, for example. And Deadlock Press, which should be up and running by next weekend. Then comes the publishing.

I plan on starting with short stories. I am going to publish four short stories as soon as I get the publishing company’s business stuff done. They are:

  • Sole Occupant
  • Odd Man Out
  • Jack’o’lantern
  • The Gateway

All are short stories, between 2000 and 3000 words, I believe, which is a little short. So each will come with a bonus short story as well. And more short stories are on the way.

After I get the short stories done, I will be releasing a collection of all of them. I plan on doing a paper version of the collection as well.

Then come the longer works. There are three finished at this point; the shortest is about 27000 words, and the longest is about 45000 words.

Look for the cover art of the short stories here soon. Maybe even later today on a couple of them.

Thanks for looking in!
